Vehicular Offenses

Aggravated Assault By Vehicle While DUI

Aggravated Assault By Vehicle While DUI: What is it? If an accident occurred that caused injury to another driver, passenger, or pedestrian, while you may have been driving under the influence, expect to be charged with Aggravated Assault by Vehicle…

Vehicular Homicide While DUI

Vehicular Homicide While DUI; A Second Degree Felony Have you or someone you know been charged with Homicide by Vehicle While Driving Under the Influence? This charge is also well-known as “Vehicular Homicide While DUI” or “Vehicular Manslaughter While DUI,”…

Involuntary Manslaughter While Driving a Vehicle

Involuntary Manslaughter While Driving a Vehicle Is a Life-Changing Offense If you were involved in a traffic accident that resulted in the death of another driver or pedestrian, you may be charged with Involuntary Manslaughter While Driving a Vehicle. We…